Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Tech Institute - Virtual Field Trips

Although this isn't technically a "virtual field trip,"  another amazing opportunity that we have is to use Skype to visit with authors. There are an incredible number of authors who are willing to Skype with classrooms for FREE. Here's a great place to start: Authors who Skype with Classes and Book Clubs for Free. I would be delighted to help you coordinate a visit with an author if you're interested!

PES 4th and 5th graders Skyping with author Barry Wolverton


  1. I would like to try a Skype with the author field trip. And I didn't even know we had that cool little field trip apparatus!

  2. I am curious about some of the career related virtual field trips. Many of my students are interested in careers that we have limited exposure to in Maine and this would give them the opportunity to connect with experts in real time.

  3. I want to take advantage of some of the Smithsonian field trips this year with some of my grades. One I can already see is fifth grade and the "Young America" trip.

  4. I think I will find many ways to use virtual field trips in the classroom. I'm most exited about integrating the field trips with social studies. I discovered a number of trips about topics ranging from the Age of Exploration to Colonial America to the Revolutionary War. Some trips are simply visits to museums with a Q/A session. Other trips are more interactive where you can interview Columbus about his impact on the New World or listen in on a conversation between two Revolutionary War spies. Sound great! I'm psyched.
